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10 funny English idioms that are worth knowing today

Have you ever wondered how many English idioms you already know? How many of them do you use in communication with others? You do not need to remind anyone how important it is to expand your knowledge of the most important phrases you hear every day.😍

the most funny English idioms
Almost everyone knows that a piece of cake is something easy to do, keep an eye on somebody is to watch someone carefully, and no pain, no gain, it's no reward without a work. Today, we want you to kill two birds with one stone. You will learn a collection of the most interesting proposals of English idioms and of course, it's not everything. Ready? Let's dive right in.

1. As Cool As a Cucumber: 🥒

very calm or very calmly, especially when this is surprising.

Example: She walked in as cool as a cucumber as if nothing had happened.

2. Bob’s Your Uncle 👴

used to mean that something will happen very quickly and simply

Example: When the chicken is done, you pull the cooked prosciutto out, and Bob's your uncle. 

3. Bring to the table 👍

means to bring something of use or benefit to a job or business activity

Example: Clarkson was the right person to hire – she brings a lot of experience and some important skills to the table.

4. Touch base 📲

to talk to someone for a short time to find out how they are or what they think about something

Example: My mom likes touching base daily, but I think a weekly check-in would be fine.

5. By the book 📖

Doing something by the book means doing it strictly according to the rules, policies or the law.

Example: If you're looking for someone to approve an exception, don't go to Ted—he does everything by the book.

6. Heart In Your Mouth 👄

feeling nervous or scared

Example: My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office.

7. Back to square one 💨

Back to square one simply means to start over, or to go back to the beginning.

Example: We were so close to the end of that but now we're back to square one.

8. Gray area ⬛

When something is in a gray area, it means the situation isn’t certain.

Example: There's a large grey area regarding whether the use of the new surveillance technology is lawful.

9. The big picture 🙌

to look at the overall view of something, or the situation as a whole and not at the details.

Example: It's more complicated than you think; we need a big picture.

10. The eleventh hour ⏰

used to describe something that’s done or happens at the last minute.

Example: We only received the signatures at the eleventh hour.

Now as you know some idiom examples, I hope you're feeling inspired. Now your turn! Do you know any funny, clever or rare English idioms? Share them with me. Thanks!
